About Us

Madsoc is the place for you to unleash your creativity in any and every possible way, from acting and music to set deign, costume and back stage work, develop and learn new skill around the stage.

join us for fun events preformed and managed by madsoc. With memories lasting a life time on and off stage. you are the ones with the ideas and the power to choose what we do. your confort and safety is my number one priorety so you can trust in the fact that i will makes sure everyone is happy with everything on and off the stage. 

some of the thinings we do incluse:

acting , music, set deign , costumes , events, preformances. and so much more and always open for more ideas.

you can find our instagram on the page or find us through @newman.madsoc on intagram for updates on events and what you can get involved in. 

with love your chair, loreta 



Wednesday 3pm - 6pm in the Drama Studio