About Us

An academic society aims to be there for all students across all years of their studies - helping them to come together and support each other outside of their lecture spaces. This is the ideal space to meet outside your studies and talk about things that matter to you (which may not be covered within your studies). Membership to these societies will be automatic on enrolment and will be free of charge. 

This Academic Society has been set up! Speak to your APT or Lecturer to find out more about when they meet and what types of activities they do. Any more information, please contact SU-Vice-President@newman.ac.uk

The Birmingham Newman University Criminology Society seeks to bring together all students who identify as being ‘criminologically curious’. The society is committed to creating spaces for students at Birmingham Newman University to come together to discuss the phenomenon of crime and to think about how we can all work towards criminal and social justice for all. Including everything from events, guest speakers and study clubs to Netflix and Dahmer, this is an educational and social society dedicated to sharing and exploring ideas about crime and social justice.  Some of the events coming up include film nights, study clubs and quiz nights, murder mysteries and guest speakers.